It is a glass or transparent plastic cylinder used for measuring liquid volumes, especially in chemical analysis.A measuring cylinder is also known as a graduated cylinder.
It is a cup usually having a wide mouth a plastic beaker and a puring lip. The use of the beaker is to hold and pour liquids . They can also be used to heat liquids. It is really just a round glass container with a flat bottom. They come in many sizes, from tiny ones that only hold 10 mL to giant ones that hold many liters.
The pipette is also called the pipet ,pipettor or chemical dropper.They are used in a laboratory to transport and/or measure a
specific volume of liquid.
Burettes measure from the top since they are used to measure liquids dispensed out the bottom. The difference between starting and final volume is the amount dispensed.
parallax error
is the error in measurement due to eye not positioned perpendicularly at the the mark on the scale.
READING THE MENISCUS is a curve in the surface of a molecular substance and is produced in response to the surface of the container or another object.
A:the bottom of a concave meniscus. B:the top of a convex meniscus.
Irregular Solids: use a displacement can or a measuring cylinder.
For example: I have a golf ball and i want to know whats the volume of it. i can use either a displacement can or a measuring cylinder.
Using a measuring cylinder: i put 20mL of water in it. i put the golf ball in the measuring cylinder. make sure no water splats out.Then read the reading,for example 100mL. Therefore the volume of the golf ball is 100mL-50mL=50mL
Friday, February 26, 2010 7:43 AM
♥Group 4
-Dayana (Group Leader)
-Joey (Doer)
-Shabana (Doer)
-Yucen (Time Keeper)
-Si Hui (Observer)
Theme: Physical Quantities, SI Unit and Mearsurements
iv. Temperature
What is temperature?
Answer: Temperature is the measurement of how hot or cold something is.
Temperature is the amount of heat in a substance.
What is heat?
Answer: Heat is the energy in the substance. (Heat is an energy)
What is the SI Unit for temperature?
Answer: The International System of Units (SI) for temperature is kelvin (Symbol:K)
*0 K = −273.15 °C
However, temperature is most commonly measured in degree Celsius or Fahrenheit.
What is used to mearsure temperature?
Answer: A thermometer. There are many kinds of thermometer to measure things at different situations.
What is a thermometer?
Answer: Thermometer is a greek work. "Thermo" means warm. "Meter" means to mearsure. There are two types of thermometer(primary and secondary thermometer). For primary thermometers the measured property of matter is known so well that temperature can be calculated without any unknown quantities.
Secondary thermometers are most widely used because of their convenience.Secondary thermometers are usually more sensitive than primary ones.
Types of termometer:
*Alcohol thermometer
*Beckmann differential thermometer
*Bi-metal mechanical thermometer
*Coulomb blockade thermometer
*Galileo thermometer
*Infrared thermometer
*Liquid crystal thermometer
*Medical thermometer (e.g. oral thermometer, rectal thermometer, basal thermometer)
*Mercury-in-glass thermometer
*Pill thermometer
*Recording thermometer
*Resistance thermometer
*Reversing thermometer
*Silicon bandgap temperature sensor
*Six's thermometer- also known as a maximum minimum thermometer
*Phosphor thermometry, phosphorescence can be used to detect the temperature of an object
eg a gas turbine component
Common thermometers:
*Liquid-in-glass thermomether. (mercury and alcohol) [Usually used in laboratory]
This thermometer relies on the expansion of liquids with respect to heat, to accurately measure temperature.
Mercury is commonly used in thermometer because it is sensitive to temperature change and expandsd also linarly with temperature. It means that for every unit temperature change, it expands by a constant and significant amount.Mercury has a low freezing point and it remains as at liquid form at room temperature. Mecury mearsures from -10 degrees celsius to 110 degree celsius.
Alcohol is usually used in thermometers when there is a need to mearsure very low temperatures as it has a lower freezing point then mercury. Alcohol mearsures from -117 degree celsius to 78 degree celsius.
*Clinical thermometer
The clinical termometer is used to mearsure body temperature within a range of 35 degree celsius to 45 degree celsius. The traditional thermometer has a constriction to prevent mercury from flowing bacl into the bulb when the thermometer is being removed from the body. The normal human body temperature is 36.9 degree Celsuis.
*Digital Thermometer
Now, the most commonly seen thermometer is the digital thermometer. It is so convenient to use it as it only requires a touch of a button. Some thermometers take temperature for the ear, while others take temperature orally.
The accuracy of the thermometer is very important. We can sence how hot or cold a substance is by touch it but it will not be accurate method of mearsuring temperature. For instance, one is unable to accuratrly tell if another is having a fever simply by putting a hand on the forehead.
How to use a laboratory thermometer (mercury)?
Safty comes first! Always remember to wear safty goggles before starting an experiment.
Apparatus you need:
First, fill the mearsuring cylinder will 100cm3.
Pour the water into the beaker.
Place the tripod stand above the bunsen burner. Light the bunsen burner. Place the wire-mesh on the tripod stand.
Ajust the thermometer properly to the retord stand.
Do make sure the the thermometer is not touching the beaker.
Never do this:
It is very dangerous.
The end, thankyou for reading out science project. God bless!
4:44 AM
group 7 - volume
there will be more below!!!! enjoy !!!!! =D
4:41 AM
group 7 - volume
there will be more below!!! enjoy !!! =D
4:30 AM
group 7 - volume
there will be more below !!!!! enjoy!!! =D
12:09 AM
group 6
This is a measuring tape.
This is how to use a measuring tape:
Hold the front of the tape at the point you wish to start the measurement from, and extend it to the point where you want to stop.
Read the first large number before your stop point - this will tell you the number of inches. Read the smaller lines of various sizes. Remember what the various sizes will make up until your stop point.
This will tell you your fraction of an inch.
Then there will be your measurment of the object!
Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:59 PM
Measurement of Length and Area, group 6 (;
♥Length and Area! (;
hello you there! we are the group six people. We have our group leader Elizebeth, and the other four members Jiaxin, Valerie, Rachel and Cherinalek! and.. we are going to bring you to a journey ofLENGTH AND AREA. We are going to do 5 things on length and one thing on area. The 5 things are the vernier calipers, internal calipers, external calipers, measuring tape and ruler and the one thing on area is the square grid. We are excited, are you? (; alright, then let's go!
and now.. welcoming the.. inside measuringtape. joking, its the INTERNAL CALIPERS. hahaha.
The internal caliper works like the external caliper.The internal caliper is the reverse of the external caliper meaning the contact measuring points are turned out instead of in. So, the internal calipers has a totally different jaw as the external calipers.We use the internal calipers for meausing the places that a metre rule isn't able to measure. For instance, we want to find out the circumference of the beaker, so we place the internal calipers at slightly the tip of the beaker and extend the jaws of the internal calipers then use a metre rule to measure how wide the jaws are and there, you got an answer! (; EXTERNAL CALIPERS.
How to use a external caliper? The external caliper is designed specially for taking external dimensions.The instrument must be closed on the part throughly, but not forced.In general, the part should be stationary. Once the sliding jaw and fixed jaw contact the part, tighten the screw on the top of the fine adjustment. Only when you begin to move the sliding jaw toward the part with the fine adjustment screw while simultaneously making sure to align the instrument so that the flat of the jaws is completely contacting the part squarely. Once the jaw will no longer move forward with modest pressure from the adjusting screw,p and take the reading.
THE RULER How to use a ruler?? Rulers are thin slats marked out in English or Metric units of measure. In the US they are one foot foot in length. Ruler comes in wide variety of lengths.It is used to make measurements like length, width and height. a measuring stick or a king.
They are digital caliper, micrometer caliper and the divider caliper. These are the different types of venier caliper. We normally use it to measure things that are unabled to be measured by the normal ruler, Here are the steps on how to use a venier caliper. First, put your workpiece inbetween the jaws of the vernier calipers then close the jaws and make sure the 0 of the main scale is in the same line as the 0 in the vernier scale avoding zero error to occur. Then, look at the measurement of the vernier scale and the main scale and then add them together to find your answer of the measurement of the workpiece!
Area. We are now proceeding to Area now. we are doing on the SQUARE GRID for area.
SQUARE GRID. What is a square grid?
Square grid is used to measure irregular figures. For example a leaf. We can't measure a leaf with a ruler but we can use a square grid. How the square grid works: First, draw the shape of the object on the square grid. Make sure the object u drew follows the same measurments of the original object. Then, tick the boxes with has more than half a sqaure shaded. Next, calculate one of the boxes area. For example, the length of the square is 1cm. so the area of one box is 1cm x 1cm equals 1cm. After that, take the number of ticks and times(x) the area of one sqaure box and taaaaadaa, you got your answer. (;
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! okay, we have another 30 slides of measurements for you on mirscosoft! joking.. hahaha. anyway, we hope you got a rough idea of length and area. alright, BYE! God bless (;
pictures were taken from goooooogle.
6:10 AM
-The volume of an object is the amount of space it occupies.
-The S.I unit for volume is the cubic meter.
The symbol is m3.
-Other volume units are cubic centimetre (cm3), millimetre (ml)
and litre (l).
-We can measure the volume of liquids with a burette, pipette,
measuring cylinder or a beaker.
Useful conversions
1ml - 1cm3
1l – 1000cm3
1l - 0.001m3
1000l - 1m3
Reading the meniscus
The liquid that is curved into a shape is called the meniscus. Your
eye should be at the correct level to read the measuring cylinder
correctly. Make sure your eye is at the bottom of the meniscus to avoid error.
Regular solids
We can measure regular solids by using the right formulae.
Cube- l x l x l
Cuboid- l x b x h
Cylinder- pi x r2x h
Sphere- 4/3 x pi x r3
Cone- 1/3 x pi x r2 x h
L – length pi - 3.142
B – breath
H – height
R – radius
Irregular solids
You can measure irregular solids by displacement, using a
measuring cylinder or a displacement can.
Put water into the displacement can and put the object inside the
water. The water will flow out the spout of the displacement can
into a beaker.
The water collected in the beaker will be the volume of the object.
Cubic kilometre - 1km
= (1 000 x 1 000 x 1 000) m3
= 1 000 000 000 m3
Cubic metre
= (100 x 100 x 100) cm3
= 1 000 000 cm3
= 1000 l
Cubic centimetre - 1 cm3
= (10 x 10 x 10) mm3
Parallax error
is a error in measurement due to eye not
position perpendicularly on the scale.
These are some equipment that measure
eg. beaker , mearsuring cylinder, pipette,
burette (common ones)
The pipette filer : a - air s-subtion e-empty
The beaker : can be measured in 50 ml, 100 ml , 200ml